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Old 05-13-2011, 11:22 PM
akeaw3000's Avatar
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Apr 26| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
Thanks.. Refreshing avatar for a nice change instead of some dark side demon, skull wanna be...

yea, its totally unbelievable until you try it... fast, fast.. great battery..

to back up ur ipt all u have 2 do is copy the 2 xmls in the ipt prog dir.. ill get u mine, have some awesome tweeks.. u gotta ck out the dream phone 2 thread & try the 100% transparent!.. in ipt u can also set bkgrnd to flow left & right...

did u start w a titanium small rom?
more later, posting on tp2 right now..

Yea, thanks. This avatar worked really well with Sense's weather wallpaper... the sun's rays seems to radiate from the cross... Well... too bad I'm not using Sense or Co0kie anymore... hehehe.

Story is, I thought my phone was snappy until I was in a business situation trying to accomplish some simple tasks. It's unbelievable how long a second feels when you're trying to get something done. Everything on my phone seemed to hang, and I wasn't about to be in that situation again. So I made the time and really read your guide.

I didn't start with Titanium because I didn't have one downloaded that day (the net was down... bad weather in my area), but I plan to try that next.

Can't wait to see your set up. Right now I pretty much started with the actual IP Home Screen and tweaked a little. I kinda like the plain black background. I'm looking for some black wallpapers with simple designs.

I will definitely head back over to the Dream Phone II thread to do the transparency thing... I'm using IPToday as an .exe, but I don't like it 'cause I hit my end key way too much and end up having to re-run the program... It hogs more memory too after a while. I prefer to use the plug-in.

Anyways, thanks for hitting me on to this. It literally changed my life, lol.
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File Type: jpg IPToday.jpg (16.8 KB, 30 views) Click for barcode!
Currently: T-Mo myTouch4g running 0.0's CM10 JellyBean Desire S port
Formerly: Sprint HTC TP2 - ROM: Energy.RhodCdma.21916.Titanium.Apr.26 - Radio: 2.32.00WU - OC'd @ 729 mHz

Last edited by akeaw3000; 05-13-2011 at 11:37 PM. Reason: upload png
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