Originally Posted by FrankStevens87
Raider, here's what I've found:
I flash the rom following the directions on the front page. When I install the ROM, the phone rings no problem. The next step is to install provisioning for the internet ( Sprint_WWE_CustomizationV1.14.0.CAB). After I install the cab file (from the front page of this post) the phone no longer rings or vibrates. All other sounds and alerts work.
I tried then running the treo ringer fix cab, but the phone still doesn't ring.
I believe the issue also occurs with the 96dpi, although I can not say I took the same troubleshooting steps above for certain.
Right now I'm flashing back to the ROM. I' going to install the other programs I use BUT not going to install the data provisioning cab file.
EDIT: Installed my additional programs outside those provided in the ROM and the phone still rings but can't connect to the internet via Sprint.
I had the same issue after installing both the Customization cab and ringer fix. When I looked at the registry, it seemed that the file expected for the ring tone was "plmo.mid"
I couldn't change the value in the registry so I renamed an existing ring tone to "plmo.mid" and did a soft reset which fixed the ringer issue.
Hope this helps,