Originally Posted by Mr. X
Because PM'ing him directly for contact rather then having the possibility of posting in a thread and it being missed seems like a smart idea to me. Its what i would do.
Cleaning up would have the posts moved out to there own thread.
"You sir are wrong, there is not matching source (at the time of these postings) to his kernel that is publicly available. There is no source on his site, that matches the kernels he has posted. Similar source, original source, source from another kernel does not constitute compliance."
This is the tree that every single one of those kernels came from.
You asked for the source tree, you got the source tree. You got the source tree in mid update. So you have a newer source tree then the posted kernel. All of the posted kernels were built from this source tree and so will be the next one.
It is what it is and at this point if you are still not happy then go do what you have to do.
What are you aiming for. Pulling down the links to the kernels until he posts this build?
The request for code was obviously not missed, and you are ignoring that fact. He replied and said no (more or less). If the source builds, I got what I wanted, and requested nothing more than that.
At the time of writing that post, the source was not publicly available. You know this. You are making excuses for what was done, but a mod making excuses does not make it right. However, since it seems to have been made right, it should be over now.
I appreciate you working to get the source publicly available.
I believe these posts should stay here, to keep a complain thread.