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Old 05-10-2011, 10:22 AM
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Re: Simple Guide, 6 Easy Steps (15 min): ANDROID TP2 DL links, 3/25 FRX06, GingerBre

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Yea, there is a lot to learn. I still feel like I've only really scratched the surface - and I probably haven't really .

Basically if you want to know what's missing, the "best" way is to look thru the commits - if the 'fix' comes after 1253, then obviously 1253 won't have it - like cam and USB tethering. There's a lot of other little things - devs are working to resolve the issue, but the issue came with a huge clocks commit, and no one as of yet has figured out where the issue is. The theory is, the system thinks your SIM card is an SD card, and shuts it down when the screen powers down to save battery - that's the best way to describe it. If only fixing it was that easy .
Thank you (and the other developers) for the hard work you are doing to give a fully working Android OS to our TP2.

I use a RhodCDMA in Italy and Moldova...and so i am using too 1253 kernel (you suggested me). I hope that in the future that bug will be solved.
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