Re: Tablet/Nook Color VS Laptop?
I agree with you bro... No way to replace it...
Which is why they are calling them the 5 screens.
And eventualy Watch.
We will all have 5 screens. I can't live without my phone... But I can't do on my phone what I do on my netbook... And my PC cannot go to starbucks with me to do homework and last 11 hours on a single charge. And neither can a laptop... You need to take the power cord and a bigger backpack and so on and so forth... So each screen has it's own place.
But like you say... The tab is the last one we need. The family may benefit from having one on the coffee table at all times but more like a toy or a big phone that doesn't make calls.
Convenience mostly... But cool convenience.
I have 3 of the 5 My wife has the nook but it's not mine so I won't count it.
I can't wait to get good android powered watch.