Originally Posted by kyderr
...I just ended up turning dimming off...
I tried disabling dimming, but it gets rechecked (and sets timeout to 10 seconds) after lockscreen activated.
Originally Posted by kyderr
...I think it's a sense issue...
I don't thinks its a Sense causing the problem because when I was trying out SPB Mobile Shell 3.5.5 I still had the same problem (Sense was disabled).
Originally Posted by kyderr
...when I set it via registry. it seems to work fine.
I have been using the backlight control panel app to save my changes. I checked and my settings in both the registery and the control panel app were the same. After the lockscreen changed the settings, the control panel app and the registry showed the same change values. Therefore, I don't think changing the registry values directly would have any affect...at least for me. Anyway, what registry value(s) did you change?