Originally Posted by JADC
Basically when the phone goes into sleep mode screen goes black, in order to get to the slider lock I have to push the power button to wake up so to speak. once to the slider unlock I just hit menu to unlock no need to slide. My issue is waking the phone up, I have to really hold the power button for it to wake up and i always get the option to reboot, power off, recovery.....sorry hope that makes sense.
That doesn't sound like Launcher Pro, but I am not having an issue at all, so I can't confirm. I hit my power button and I am in. You can goto the Market and get AnyUnlock and that will let you use the volume buttons, but it will also skip the unlock all together. I use mine that way on a normal basis, but when I am in certain areas, I do turn off AnyLock. It's a quick switch. Good Luck.