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Old 01-28-2007, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by finster869
I was able to build a custom rom that added smartskey program to windows folder, removed some sound files, and added custom rings. I was also able to remove Clear Storage (I wanted to try to remove an OEM and picked that one since I never use it). When I try to remove the 3 MSN folders (which look like they deal with pocket msn), my phone will not boot.

Anyone figure out how to get rid of pocket msn?

I am going to try substituting a blank "pmsnserver.exe" file for the actual one in the dump folder and see what happens.

EDIT: substituting a blank pmsnserver.exe file for the actual one in the OEM seems to work. NOw when I get a text message, pmsnserver no longer shows up as a process. Still would have liked to have gotten rid of the entire pocketmsn, but this at least is a temporary fix.
Everything was working fine until I tried bluetooth.......I can't get it to turn on!!! I didn't touch anything except for the items listed above. Any ideas? If not, I will try a hard reset to see if that fixes it before reflashing.

EDIT: Second soft reset did the trick. Bluetooth is functioning again.
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