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Old 05-04-2011, 02:22 AM
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Re: Verizon Wireless Windows Phone 7 status updates !

Originally Posted by boe View Post
OK - you guys asked so I'll say it. I have clients using the EVO 4G. They get "4G" coverage. For them the 4G coverage is significantly better than the 3G. Since I tether, I care about speed. I often tether my phone so I can VPN in to clients systems for support. If it was for just browsing the web on the phone I wouldn't care.

As for developing for 3.8 vs. 4.3" - are you serious? I want to browse the web on my phone, I want to open word, excel and PDF attachments. What "developers" don't know enough to scale? Since the HD7, HD7S and Omnia 7 all have 4.3" screens running WP7 - does that mean those owners will be hosed by "developers" who only planned on 3.6 and 3.8" viewers- I submit anything they develop won't be worth using.

you aren't waiting and enthusiastic about the device why post in this thread? - so in other words - only people who have good things should post - REALLY - are you that afraid of others ideas? I'm enthusiatic about WP7, I'm enthusiastic about Verizon coverage - but since I don't like their WP7 device or the fact they took so long to release it I should just shuffle off. I can't imagine how you react to conversations about politics or religion if you can't handle any view contrary to your own about a small electronic device.

Does any converstation that isn't 100% in alignment with your fanatical beliefs about the Trophy have to be a flame war? It couldn't be you like a 3.8" screen because you have petite hands. And others prefer a 4.3" because I have big hands? So the request is simple - we need Verizon to carry at least two different handsets if they want to cover the needs of those looking for an entry level model and those looking for a deluxe model. Is that unreasonable?

The EVO 4g is an ANDROID phone on the SPRINT network, this is a WP7 thread for VERIZON customers (current and future). Thanks for letting us know that Sprints 4G coverage is better in some areas than its 3G coverage; again that fact is completely irrelevant in a VZW thread. Your complaint about apps not being scaled to 4.3 inch displays (which I have no idea about) is irrelevant on this thread as well

I have average to large sized hands for a man and my TP2 has a small screen in my opinion, it is something I deal with to have a quality world phone with a keyboard. Do you know what I do when I need more space to type on while using the onscreen KB? I rotate my phone 90 degrees, the screen adjusts, and I utilize the landscape mode. Weigh the Pros and Cons like a normal person and make your decision based on that.

Im not going to waste any more time responding, I will just end on this: The title of the forum indicates that this thread is dedicated to status updates concerning the release of WP7 onto the VZW network, not "how do you feel about WP7 specs?" If you have INFORMATION regarding the release of WP7 feel free to post; if the only thing you have are criticisms, anything you say is again, completely irrelevant. We don't care how unhappy you are. Most people on this thread are just happy to support the launch of WP7 on Verizon. The Trophy is NOT an ideal device but it is the only known WP7 option and most people have weighed the pros and cons and are happy with their future purchase... just like your EVO 4G customers. This is NOT a flame war, no matter how relevant your complaints may seem to some, the fact remains that you are complaining to the wrong people.

Last edited by jaeskill; 05-04-2011 at 02:30 AM.
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