Originally Posted by omegax
We have got to let them know. They are not going to do anything if we dont speak up. This isnt a petition that no one cares about.
Sprint Nextel
2001 Edmund Halley Drive
Reston, VA 20191
703-433-4000 <-- yes thats the actual number to HQ
I have called and wrote a letter. When I spoke to a person at that number. They contacted a tech.. who told me I was one of 3 customers who called them at HQ. WHAT!
Come one .. Stop complaining if your not going to speak up!
What option did you choose on the menu/extension did you dial?
Well I reached somebody at the corporate office. It turns out that he has a PDA phone too and he himself has been wondering why they don't allow MMS. He said he will contact the MMS product manager and get back to me.