Re: How to set up internet calling on EVO
thanks for all the reply and suggestions...
I have to clarify...this is NOT my first deployment...and I have used MWR...and now MCCS internet cafe at several available locations in Iraq...and Afghan.
I know there are PLENTY of capabilities for me to contact my family to include DSN phones and such. In fact I'm quite sure there are cell phones available locally in Af.
However, I wanted to set up VOIP on my EVO for several reasons...
1) not having to wait in line at the internet cafe at the wee hours of the morning/evenings when everyone is there.
2) see number one
3) being able to talk on my own device vice sitting with many other service members and everyone hears everyone else.
4) see number one.
what it boils down to is convenience...and also a level of satisfaction that most of us Geekers can say...I can do it with my phone.
I understand at this point it seems that Skype is my only option (which I have had an acc't for years and have used it with WM6.5.X) I wanted to be able to utilize the internet calling function that OUR device has...and not let it go to waste.
Pls understand where I'm coming from...and what I hope to achieve.