Re: [ROM] 02/25/11 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.70.651.1 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One
I'm having a problem with notifications...
I just downloaded and installed this one... MIRROR
MD5 Checksum: 51E9E7A91278D721F30A91B561544021
[All-In-One Update, INCLUDES Updated Baseband & Wimax Radios + PRI 1.90_003, Uninstallable apps]
I'm crazy about it but I'm having an issue with notifications on it. I first noticed while playing wordfued (a scrabble game) I noticed that it was not notifying me when it was my turn. I un-installed it and re-installed it and same problem is still there.
Other problem is that my gmail is not downloading and notifying without me going to the gmail app and pushing refresh. Has anyone else had this problem? Any fix available? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!