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Old 03-10-2008, 10:17 AM
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Re: Possible Sprint Buy-out by Deutsche Telekom

I guess I'll chime in...

I work for Sprint, but I think a lot of you reps are looking at this entirely too idealistically. Just like Bushd said, buyouts happen all the time and remember that Sprint's stock is pretty low. I am not an economics whiz, but I am pretty sure that unless they decide to go private, they can be bought by anyone. Then again, if that were completely possible, Microsoft would have purchased Yahoo! by now.

Thing is, although Sprint has had a troubled past, I think they are going to give Dan Hesse a shot and turning it all around. My Sprint reps can vouch that things have really changed just from our end since he's come into power. The idea to close a lot of the third party sales stores and even the under performing corporate stores was just a smart move. AT&T did the same thing and it drove a lot of business into the stores they controlled. I think that once these changes have finally finalized themselves, people are going to be drawn to Sprint because our plans have always been the best in the business.

The thing is, users and shareholders have to be patient. We will probably lose more customers for the next year, but I think that will slow and turn around as we see things change everyday.

Do I want to be bought be T-Mobile...I dunno. Maybe they would get rid of iRMS and fire everyone who ****s my commission checks up every month. But I want to give Sprint a chance to keep going. We are the only cell company that doesn't have deep pockets of money from parent companies and look how well we've done.
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