Originally Posted by deck
rockin on 1.1 alpha, which happens to have 2.3.4 and working gtalk with video  soon as a few more things get ironed out, i am gonna post an rc of 1.1 working on a few other things too
Dude...I love ur work/rom and I can't wait for 1.1! But I gotta tell u the negatives I've experienced. My phone is running 1.0 with tiamat 3.3.8 sbc. I have setcpu installed and set it 2 1190mhz max and 245mhz min on interactive mode.
1. Random vibrations outta nowhere 4 no reason.
2. Phone freezes 4 no reason and it lasts 4 like a minute. Sometimes it just reboots...or goes back 2 normal.
3. My phone gets crazy hot.
4. Battery life is so so...but still better than CM. I turn on 3g and that battery starts dyin as quick as water goin down the drain.
That's what I can think of right now...ne help/idea's on fixes or whatever lemme guys. Thanks 4 the help in advance!
Sent from my Gingerbreaded EVO 4G using Deck's 1.0 rom.