Originally Posted by gTen
Because those devices were not popular...popularity plays a huge roll in the speed the community releases stuff..the devices in question could be rooted if there was a demand for it..aka if next Droid X had it, it would be rooted.
To my knowledge, nobody has found a crack for the efuse.
Originally Posted by gTen
There was a wait on custom roms for the g2..it too a month for them to get perma root and break the emmc.
The G2 was rooted before it was even released. It was the same temporary root the Evo used, and basically every other HTC phone. It may very well have been a month before anyone made a custom ROM for it (I know Cyanogen was released a month later, don't know if anyone else made a ROM before that or not) but the device was rooted before it was even released, as pretty much all HTC phones are. Temp root that automatically starts and reroots as part of the boot process, or perma root that stays rooted, who cares. The bottom line is you have root access to your device either way and can run any of the root apps from the market.
Originally Posted by gTen
To my knowledge HTC and Motorola are only ones..LG, Samsung, Asus, viewsonic are all unsigned...heck Sony even does unsigned bootloaders and is now offering a website that tells people how to unlock their bootloaders...
So what? What does it matter if HTC puts a locked bootloader if they release the key before the device is even released? You seem stuck on that for some reason but it's a non issue to me. And no matter how many times you say it, it will remain a non issue. Until HTC releases a device without a way to unlock the bootloader, then it's a non issue.
Originally Posted by gTen
I am looking around and I can't find the feb 23rd.only feb 23 rom I found with new sense is still 2.2....as for march 7th..by then there was already 3 leaked gingerbread roms for i9000...
Yes, it was still froyo but it had the new HTC sense. I didn't realize you were turning it into a competition about which device had Gingerbread first. I was simply talking about leaked software to the community. if you want to talk about OS version updates, then lets compare when my Evo got froyo to when your Epic got it. I know you don't want to go there though. We can also talk about GPS issues with the galaxy S and how long it took to get that resolved. Now if we go back to my original point, that HTC is good to the hacking community, then the fact that there was an Evo ROM running the latest version of Sense back in February is pretty dang impressive. And if we're only talking about Gingerbread, I see a CM7 download for the Evo dated 2-16-11. When was the first Epic Gingerbread ROM? Cyanogen doesn't even support the Galaxy S.
Originally Posted by gTen
IF you call locking you up in jail then giving you a key friendly be my guest :/...if other manufacturers are getting away with it unsigned, why not HTC?
It's nothing like being locked up in jail. Being locked up in jail would be more like waiting for Samsung to issue the Epic Froyo update, or fix that broken GPS. HTC releasing the signed image to get around it before the device even being released is fine with me.
Originally Posted by gTen
As I said its a supply and demand thing..there is not a big enough demand/community to support those devices at the technical level it requires...
I agree. But then why did you bring it up? Do you think there won't be a lot of interest in the new Evo or something? I mean, you were the one saying we should be concerned that the new Evo won't be rooted, even though just about every HTC device gets rooted before it's even released.
Originally Posted by gTen
um..not your just not reading what you wrote..you wrote that it was rooted before it was released and that it was reeased on 17th and rooted 18th..how is that before? also the release date was bumped up to 16th due to the ipad2 thing...aka many people got it on 16th...
Uh, no. It started shipping that date (preorders). Nobody had one yet.
Originally Posted by gTen
I never said it wont be rooted..I just said there is no guarantee that it will be rooted so fast due to HTC's trend of increasing the security...and as stated it took 1 month for G2 to get perma root...originally the user wanted to wait a bit after rooting which I agreed with as there is no guarantee on how long it would take for "perma root"
HTC's security is not increased, lol. If you do the research, you will find that the G2 was rooted before it was even released, using the same method that worked on almost every other HTC phone. It's a total non issue.
Care to make a wager on it? I bet you the Evo 3D is rooted within a week of launch (likely before it even launches, but I'll say with a week after launch to be safe). Care to bet on it?
I will say again, this all started when someone else said they weren't going to preorder the Evo 3D out of concern that it wouldn't be rooted, I said it was a non issue, and you said it was something we should be concerned about. So that guy IS betting that it won't be rooted. He will likely miss out on the original shipment (remember how long the Evo stayed sold out). That is his wager. I'm just trying to help the guy out by letting him know the real deal- it is pretty much guaranteed to be rooted within a week after release, and probably before it is even released. And from the sounds of it, you actually agree that it is likely to be rooted by then, but continue to argue because you don't like HTC for some reason.