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Old 04-30-2011, 10:11 AM
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Re: [ROM] 02/25/11 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.70.651.1 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by djqwikcut View Post
I hope we get an answer.. from what I read online it appears VERIZON IPHONE service is VERY EXPENSIVE compared to SPRINT
I will agree that to an extent Verizon's service is a little more expensive than Sprint. Everyone's experience is different though. I had a 25% discount on service through Sprint and at the end of the month I paid 72.00 after discounts for the EVO for Everything data 450. My current plan with VZW after taxes for the 450 minute plan and unlimited data and messaging comes to roughly 78.00. Bear in mind I do get a 20% discount from VZW on the data plan and voice plan so that helps a bit too. The before tax/discounts price for both companies is 79.99 for Sprint and 89.99 for VZW. I will give Sprint the upper hand with the any mobile anytime though which VZW does not offer. That usually helped save some minutes each month.

Originally Posted by djqwikcut View Post
Is the IPHONE that much better then the EVO? how is the verizon reception as compared to sprint? how much did you pay for it and which model? inquiring minds want to know.. are you making custom ROMS (if you can even do that) for the iPhone?
After having used Windows Mobile, Android and now iOS I cannot say one is superior to the other. They all have their benefits and drawbacks. Am I happy so far with the iphone? I would answer yes. It is a very solid operating system with nearly no glitches or force closes from what I have observed and the phone build and screen clarity are amazing. Android had a strong app market but after seeing the apps available in the app store i was a little disappointed that half of them are not available for android and/or are still a little on the buggy side.

I am running a jailbroken 32gb version of the iphone on software 4.2.6. I noticed that there was a slight drop in the signal bars on the phone when holding the "death grip" however I have never dropped a call or lost reception and I use the phone with NO bumper case or cover of any kind other than a screen protector on front and back. I paid the standard 299.99 for the 32gb model while the 16gb is 199.99 but I would highly recommend the 32gb as many of the multimedia apps are pretty large files. I currently have not started making any custom roms for iOS.
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