Thread: Evo 4g/Evo 3D
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Old 04-30-2011, 01:15 AM
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Re: Evo 4g/Evo 3D

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Didn't G2 have the thing where the phone would return to stock if you modify it in any way? thats new...also Ive searched the web and I only see 1 person claim the Evo bootloader is signed on xda..everywhere else I read just says oreo...
It was no different from the Evo. The G2 went back to stock, the Evo didn't let you make the change in the first place. The rooting technique is the same for both- use a temporary root method, and then flash a new image during the recovery which allows for a more permanent change. When the Evo was first rooted, it was only a temporary root that didn't even survive a reboot, and it ran automatically every time the device rebooted.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Let me mentioned sense..that C&D was on sense...not hacking...they cant stop people from hacking due to the court ruling.
And that doesn't change my point at all. Not sure why you even mentioned it. Look at xda. Heck look at this very site. Sense is being tossed around in almost every ROM thread on both of these sites. Even unreleased versions of Sense, and versions from other devices. Yet neither site has heard a peep from HTC. In fact, both sites keep getting "leaked" versions of HTC updates/ROMs/Sense/etc to play with long before they even get officially released. You think these sites are just on an incredible lucky streak to somehow get every single HTC update and ROM for every device long before it gets released? I tend to think the simplest answer is usually the correct answer- occams razor. In this case, that would be that HTC is the friendliest manufacturer to hackers and they leak these on purpose directly to the people who can actually do something with it.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
All the other manufacturers leaked roms as well..nothing new...its like someone locking you in jail then releases you..would you call tat being nice?
It's not at all like that, lol. HTC leaking ROMs is not even comparable to anyone else leaking ROMs. Like I said, we had the latest version of Sense running on Evo's several months ago (thanks to leaked ROMs from other devices). We've had the Evo's gingerbread ROM (sense and all) leaked and running for a while now too. And not a peep from HTC. It's actually expected that pretty much every HTC device will have it's software hacked and ported to older devices. And it usually happens before the device is even released.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Thats what people thought too..but the carrierless unlocked version overseas was locked in the same manner as the assumption is that its HTC...They already copied everything else from motorola in terms of I guess efuse is next step?
HTC will never go to an efuse. Again, they have not made any effort whatsoever to stop the hacking that goes on. On the contrary, they have "leaked" signed images for all of their devices which basically guarantees they will be hacked. If xda or ppcgeeks ever gets a cease and desist from HTC, then you will have a point. But they are the opposite. Not only are they not getting cease and desist letters, but they are getting ROMs, updates, software, etc, leaked every time there is something new.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Well it does matter...I mean its much safer to root when they dont pull stunts like that :/..and temp root is not same as perma root...
The temp root is used to apply the permanent root. In a nutshell, the device gets temporarily rooted, and while it is rooted a new recovery image is flashed that has a signed image and allows flashing custom ROMs.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
it does use same method and I said every single time they add more to the locking of the it uses same method + more...
They aren't adding any more, lol. It's the same technique being used to root these phones.

When there is an HTC phone that can't be rooted, then you might have a point. But it seems pretty crazy to get all worried about it when every single one has been rooted, often before it was even released.

I'll tell you what- you worry about it and I won't. When it gets released, we'll see if you wasted your time worrying about it, or if I wasted my time not worrying about it. Looking at the history, I'd say it's a pretty safe bet which one of us would have wasted their time and which one of us wouldn't have. There is no reason at all to worry about this. The next Evo will absolutely be rooted, and probably before it is even released.
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