Originally Posted by BlackDynamite
Well I'm not the one who rooted it so I can't say for 100% certainty, but I read on xda that the Evo had a signed boot loader exactly like the G2 and Thunderbolt, and all were rooted using the same method- a leaked image.
Didn't G2 have the thing where the phone would return to stock if you modify it in any way? thats new...also Ive searched the web and I only see 1 person claim the Evo bootloader is signed on xda..everywhere else I read just says locked...so oreo...
And yet ppcgeeks had never had any problems from htc. So that leads me to believe that if shipped roms had trouble from htc, it wasn't related to them hacking htc software or devices.
Let me reiterate..you mentioned sense..that C&D was on sense...not hacking...they cant stop people from hacking due to the court ruling.
HTC devices may be hard to root, but they are still extremely friendly to developers. They "leak" the images needed to root the devices, and every ROM and even updates to ROMs get leaked well ahead of release (like the Evo gingerbread ROM for example).
All the other manufacturers leaked roms as well..nothing new...its like someone locking you in jail then releases you..would you call tat being nice?
I don't think they're changing. They lock the devices at the carriers' request, then they "leak" the key to the lock to the community. Until some HTC device is unrootable, or uses an e-fuse (like motorola) then there is no reason to worry.
Thats what people thought too..but the carrierless unlocked version overseas was locked in the same manner as well..so the assumption is that its HTC...They already copied everything else from motorola in terms of locking..so I guess efuse is next step?
The method it gets rooted is not relevant. The bottom line is it still gets rooted, and often before the device is even released. It may be a few more steps to root it, but it still gets rooted.
Well it does matter...I mean its much safer to root when they dont pull stunts like that :/..and temp root is not same as perma root...
It does not get harder every single time, lol. The Evo used the same method as the Thunderbolt.
it does use same method and more..as I said every single time they add more to the locking of the phone..so it uses same method + more...