Originally Posted by gTen
What other HTC phone has a signed locked bootloader and signed recovery image in the past?
Also its not a carrier thing as International versions of new phones are carrying these protections as well..
Aka the trend is every generation, unlocking has become harder and harder...right now the tbolt and incredible s are locked down on par with Droid X...the next generation by trend will be even more locked down by trend.
HTC Sends Cease & Desist to Hackers Shipped-ROMs
it has happened...though they werent trying t shut it down..it was a cease and desist..long story...
Are you serious? lol, You don't have to go back too far to find another example of this. The Evo was rooted using this same exact method. It has a signed bootloader but another one was "leaked" and used.
As for that letter, I don't know what to make of it. I have never heard of that site so I don't know what they were doing that upset HTC. Heck, i don't even know if that letter is real. Like I said, this site and xda have both been going strong for years without a peep from HTC. Xda is even named after an HTC phone! And even in the link, the author of the article finds it curious that sites like xda have never heard a complaint. So take that letter with a grain of salt.
Again, there has never been an HTC Android or WinMo phone that didn't get rooted/hardspl/whatever you want to call it. So all of this "concern" that we will suddenly not be able to root one is a bunch of unwarranted paranoia. HTC has been the most friendly manufacturer to the hacking and modding community over the years. So to say we have to be worried about being able to root the next htc phone is akin to wearing a tin foil hat.
I say again, xda is probably the biggest smartphone hacking site on the net. Their site is named after an HTC phone and up until pretty recently they only had HTC forums. And yet they have never had any problems whatsoever from HTC (they have got a few cease and desist letters from Microsoft over the years though). Same thing with this site- never a peep from HTC.
You can be concerned if you want to. I'll wait until I have an actual reason to be concerned. People can say what they want about how hard it is to root HTC phones. But the fact remains that there has never been an HTC phone that didn't get rooted, with most of them getting rooted before they were even released. Including the Evo, and the Thunderbolt, which both had the scary signed bootloaders that we should be worried about, lol.