Originally Posted by fcastro
Windows is way more customizable. I'll give you an example, HTC sense on windows, xda folks came up with the cookie editor which let you edit every aspect of sense. Nothing like that exists for Android. You could edit the size of the clock animations etc levels etc. On windows you can also easily add a reg hack to see 5 to 6 rows of icons. Its silly to sit here at go over all the changed. Android is much more hard wired and more difficult to make mods to. Even if the phone is rooted. Simple thing like adding a battery icon with a number requires you to jump through a bunch of loop holes.
Other things off the top of my head, wifi tethering can be done with simple reg edits. On android if you are running stock you need to install software on the host pc.
Launcher Pro lets you easily change the amount or icon rows on your homescreen as well as the size of the icons! Adding icons/widgets is as simple as holding down on the screen and selecting the icon/widget you want there. Doesn't get any simpler.