Originally Posted by eagle2222222222
Putting aside the 3D aspect of the new 3D phone, it appears that the hardware and software are much better than we have now. I am about to be eligible for an upgrade this summer. Is there any reason at all not to upgrade to this phone?
Yes its a HUGE upgrade..that aid Galaxy S 2 is still better..and by end of ear nvidia and qualcomm promises quadcores...that said we have no clue if thye will come to sprint or not :/
Originally Posted by BlackDynamite
I think it will be rooted quick, that isn't even a concern. It seems like most HTC phones are rooted before they even get released.
Its a big concern actually..from what the people who rooted the Thuderbolt said..the new HTC devices are locked like Motorola devices and not to be fooled by how quickly they unlocked it...and rumor is its going to get worse...on the other hand motorola is promising unlocked boot loaders lol
Even cyanogen is reconsidering HTC:
ATM, HTC and Motorola are the hardest manufacturers to root...