Originally Posted by SouthernEvo
Deck ,First I wanna say thank you for putting togather this rom and your hard work you have done to make progress this far . This is by far one of the best GB Roms to date that I have ever used . The only thing from making this flawless and its more of a personal gripe then a usability issue is the following . My phone has been unplugged for the past 4hours and 36 mins . At that point my Android system was showing as 2% . I made three or four phone calls which in all probably totalled roughly 20 mins or so . On system usage voice calls is now showing at 2% (the same total android system was) and now Android System is showing at 47% . I dont think there is anything running or sensor issues from what spare parts is telling me . Everything in spare parts is still in the norm . I feel whats happening is the two labels are somehow getting swapped on the usage screen . It should be voice calls 47% and android system at 2% . I have tried all the fixes out there from disabling back up to google services , to flashing different kernels but this is the same to all GB roms I run . There are a few out there that also expierence this issue . Is there anyway of you being able to look at the scripting and coding that handles the usage screen to see if anything might be out of whack or not lining up right ? For the time being I have hidden the usage screen link . But I usually pull it up to make sure there is nothing running around rampant causing unusal drainage . But this bug seems to make that useless . Any help would be appreciated , and thank you again for the rom I love it , just hate the usage screen ROFL
Have you looked into going to Settings > Privacy and uncheck Back up my data?
Worked for me on Pre 7, now my highest thing is Google Maps which I'm not even using but battery life got significantly better after doing that