Originally Posted by powinmo
If my memory serves me right, you are using your Sprint TP2 with a SIM on a GSM network and not Sprint itself right?
I posted my results above about the Leo dialer and conference call mode. Conference calls are busted for Sprint CDMA users, maybe it works fine for Verizon users and those using a Sprint unit on a GSM network. That is something adding conference call buttons/icons in a dialer mod (eg, Leo v3) itself does not fix. Teradog and a few other users have mentioned/confirmed that 3-way/conf calling stopped working with the Sprint MR1 stuff from April.8 as well.
I have a Sprint TP2 Feb.27 using the stock dialer in the 28244 series with no conference call icons... using strictly the Flash mode I am able to access 3-way/conf calling just fine. This series was the pre-Sprint MR1 updates for BT+dialer.
Appreciate you looking in to the Ameba/uTask changes. uTask is definitely an improvement. I say keep it, but just change anything (scripts, etc) you previously referenced Ameba in.
You are correct. I was using it on At&t, when I tried Conference mode on Sprint it connects the next call while still only showing the original Caller ID of the first call and continuing the timer from when the first call was started, but I can not get audio.
*Edit tried calling my other lines, so I could answer on all 4 lines. (Starting the calls on the TP2. I first called the EVo Shift, then Arrive and Lastly the EVO) It will connect to my EVo Shift line and remain connected but with no audio when I initiate the second call to the Arrive. On TP2 I can hear the second Call to the Arrive, but cannot reconnect to the Evo Shift, but the call still says connected on the EVO Shift. When I make the third call to the EVO from the TP2 it calls the number but once again I get no audio from the two other calls that appear to still be connected when viewing on the respective device. (EVO Shift says it is connected, but no audio -timer remains active, as does the timer and no audio on the Arrive)
Confused as to why the calls are remaining connected but are all mute + If I did not pre-select to invite callers in 'Conference Mode' I cannot dial the number as the dial-pad option only allows to end call and not dial. Seems as though part of the sequence to integrate the calls is just missing via CDMA.
*EDIT - UPDATE & Progress*
I tried 3-way calling via Flash button on the new April 26th 29020 Sencity and I can connect three way calling. Dialed 1st number pressed talk and let it connect, then press talk and dial 2nd number press talk and then press Flash and 3-way Conference call is working as it should be. (But I did do a Task 29, Flashed to Sprint MR1 - to test 3-way calling on Sprint -using same sequence- then flashed then flashed the new Energy April 26th 29020 Sencity Build)
The only reason I know Conference Mode was working is on the 1st number dialed/2nd caller (my brother) he could hear the call connecting, ringing and then being picked up by the third caller (my cousin). We were all able to communicate as 3-way should work.
This was all done only on Sprint with no GSM card inserted - just CDMA only.
If I install the Leo v3 dialer it breaks the conference calling to where it drops the first call and audio can not be heard.
*EDIT* Found a bug using the LEO Dialer and have Conference Mode - after you install the LEO Dialer V3
For some Reason the first Conference Call will fail where the 2nd caller will be connected but with no audio as you dial and connect to the third caller. The issue of the no audio was corrected by hitting the green icon on the third caller again, making it change to a grey before going back to green. (As when it is green from the first press it goes into one on one mode and then when it turns grey it goes back into conference mode which is why I was getting no audio on the 2nd caller) But I am getting Conference Calling to work on Sprint with the Leo v3 dialer. But only as 3-way Calling. Trying to do 4 callers cancels the third most recent caller. Also the Conference Mode dialer only moves the first number dialed above into the Con Call Participants, while the 3rd caller remains under Invite Participants even though they are included in the on-going conversation.