Originally Posted by JakFrost
Phone is still bricked. I'm trying some MTTY commands to see if clearing it all and starting fresh might worked. I did task 28 and task 29 twice and below is the output from the second run. I'll reflash the stock Sprint ROM to see if it goes anywhere.
mtty 1.42 to USB
Cmd>task 29
Format BINFS start
CE start start block=384, total block=3712
ERASE block 768 FAIL !!!
Write 0xFF start page=0x6000, total page=0x3A000
Format BINFS end
Both of your posts indicate the same thing. There is an issue with the phones internal storage. Its failing on block 768. This is noted in both of the posts that you made. I believe you will need to get the phone replaced. I do not beleive this is because of the ROM or the application that you used.