1. Files Needed:
Android SDK
WinRaR 32bit or 64bit
Motorola Drivers 32bit or 64bit (Download the one you need)
o Handset_USB_Driver_32_v4.2.4.rar
o Handset_USB_Driver_x64_v4.2.4.rar
1) When you install the Android SDK install it to the root of the C:\ drive. EX: C:\android-sdk-windows\
2) Extract and copy the folder inside to the root of the C:\ drive as well so its C:\DroidXRoot\{Files}
3) If you don't have WinRAR installed already go ahead and do so. Then download, extract and install the Motorola drivers for your system.
4) On your phone do the following Menu>Settings>Applications>Development> and enable USB Debugging and connect your phone to your computer with the USB data cable. Pull down your notifications bar, click USB connection and put the phone in PC Mode
5) We will now root your phone. On your computer Go to Start>All Programs>Accessories> Right-Click on Command Prompt and click Run as Administrator
6) Now we are going to type a few commands to get some files on your phone. These should all work flawlessly if you extracted the programs and folders above to the proper directory. Each Command box below is a new command, copy and paste these into your command prompt.
>_ccd c:\android-sdk-windows\tools
cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
adb devices
After the above commands your command window should look like this:
Now run the following commands:
adb push C:\DroidXRoot\Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk
adb push C:\DroidXRoot\su /sdcard/su
adb push C:\DroidXRoot\busybox /sdcard/busybox
adb push C:\DroidXRoot\rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
adb shell
cd data/local/tmp
chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
After running that last command let the process run until it 'kicks' you out (may take a minute or two) to C:\android-sdk-windows\tools if you don't see that you are still in the tools folder run the following command
cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
Now run the following commands:
adb kill-server
adb devices
The above command should output as it did before to verify your device is still connected. Then run the following:
adb shell
You should now have a # prompt, if not return to ./rage step above. If you do have the # then run the following commands:
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
cp /sdcard/Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk
cp /sdcard/su /system/bin/su
cp /sdcard/busybox /system/bin/busybox
chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
chmod 4755 /system/bin/busybox
mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
You should now have root access on your Motorola Droid X. Now we get to the flashing part.
You will need the following files:
o CDMA WS 2.7 (google for a download)
o Download and install QPST (google for a download)
o Harware Virtural Serial Port this is the demo good for 14days
o android.rar
o Download Autostart (Root) from Market
o Download Droid X Recovery Bootstrap from Market (I highly suggest you grab the donate version from the market, it’s only $2 and helps with the advancement of the Droid community immensely. Or you can scower the internet for an APK, copy it to your SD Card and install it with Astro File Manager)
o Download Rom Manager by ClockworkMod from Market
o Download Any Cut from Market
o NV items from
Android - (you must generate this uniquely for your phone, go to the link enter replace x's with your 10 digit phone number, make sure 2.7 is selected and download the file)
o Call cricKet customer service or go to one of the stores, you will need an android plan ($55), they will enter your phones MEID into the system. Tell them you need your MIN, MDN and CDMA Sys ID numbers.
1) By now you should have ROM Manager and Droid X Recovery Bootstrap and Autostart (Root) installed on your phone. If you get a popup with these applications asking for superuser permissions click accept.
1) Open Droid X Boostrapper and click Bootstrap Recovery.
2) Open Rom Manager and click Flash ClockworkMod Recovery. Then click Download ROM>birdman>FlyX v0.1 FINAL and it will start to download. Make sure to checkBackup Existing ROM and Wipe Data and Cache.
Once it is done flashing and back on the main screen do the following.
3) Extract android.rar to your C:\ drive root
4) For safe measures go ahead and reboot the phone.
5) You should have found and installed CDMA Workshop 2.7
6) Follow THIS TUTORIAL to successfully setup a virtual COM port on your phone.
7) Open up CDMA Workshop 2.7
Under COM Settings (AT Mode) select the COM port you setup from the tutorial and then click the connect button. If it successfully connected it will say Connected to COM15 port successfully. on the bottom (may not say COM15, thats just the port I used.)
9) Go to the Security tab and under SPC there will be an empty box. Enter 000000 then click the SPC button and Send. It will then popup saying SPC is correct. Phone unlocked.
10) Now go to the Other tab. Under PRL click Write and browse to C:\android\tools and select CricketEVDO_38515.prl
11) Go to the NAM tab and in the MIN and MDN(Dir_Number) boxes enter in the info you got from cricKet customer service and click write.
12) Now go to the Memory tab. Under NV Items click Write. Browse and select the NV Item file you generated earlier. Once its done it will say 12 NV Items were successfully written to the phone.
13) Go to the Main tab. Click Mode>Reset
14) Your phone should have reset. Once it boots backup make sure to get your COM port back up and running.
15) You may now close CDMA Workshop 2.7 and open QPST
16) Open QPST Service Programming
17) You should see your phone listed in the list. Select it, click Start Clients>Service Programming. When it opens select your phone and click OK in the Service Programmingscreen.
On the bottom left click a button labeled Read from Phone, a box will popup, there should be 000000 already typed in, click OK. this may take a few minutes. There will be a blue progress bar on the top. Go smoke a cigg.
19) Go to the M.IP tab. Click on the entry in the User Profile box and click Edit. Make sure that NAI and Tethered NAI both read (replace the x's with your 10 digit phone number). If they don't, type it in. Also make sure Home Address, Primary HA Address and Secondary HA Address read if they don't, change them. Click OK
20) While still on the M.IP tab make sure Mobile IP Behavior is set to Mob + Simp f/back. And make sure Active User says 0.
21) Go to the PPP Config tab. Click UM button. In the PPP Authentication section make sure Tethered NAI and User ID reads (replace the x's with your 10 digit phone number) and Req PW enc is checked and type cricket in for the password.
22) While still in the PPP Config tab click the AN button. In the PPP Authentication section make sure User ID reads (replace the x's with your 10 digit phone number) and Req PW enc is checked and type cricket in for the password. Tethered NAI should be blank.
23) Now on the bottom click Write to Phone. May take a few minutes and your phone may restart.
24) Open up Any Cut and click New shortcut. Select Activity>APNs click it and click OK on the popup. This will create an APNs shortcut on your home screen.
25) Open the APNs shortcut from your homescreen and edit the verizon entry to match the following:
Name: Cricket
APN: internet
Port: 8080
Username: (replace x's with your 10 digit phone number)
Password: cricket
MMS Proxy:
MMS Port: 8080
MCC: 310
MNC: 004
Authentication Type: PAP or CHAP
APN type: default,mms
Last edited by Kryptonit3; 10-07-2010 at 06:32 PM.
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2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Kryptonit3 For This Useful Post:
BPF317 (10-19-2010), JayFlay (2 Weeks Ago), l1lm1k3 (10-10-2010), Naturecannon (10-10-2010), tieman123 (3 Weeks Ago)
4. 10-06-2010 #2
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Dial *228 and you should hear cricKet programming your phone. Once its done dial ##PROGRAM and hit send. Enter 000000 and hit verify. Go to User Activation and underCDMA system ID enter the number you got from cricKet customer service. Click done and your phone will restart. Make sure your USB cable is not connected when it restarts.
When the phone comes back on, hit Menu>Settings>Applications>Development> and enable USB debugging
26) Before starting the next step make sure you have the u2nl and file in c:/android/tools
27) Make sure the phone is set to PC Mode and connected and enter the following commands
cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
adb shell
mkdir /data/opt/
adb remount
adb push c:\android\tools\u2nl /system/bin/u2nl
adb push c:\android\tools\ /data/opt/
adb shell
chmod 0755 /system/bin/u2nl
chmod 0755 /data/opt/
adb reboot
Make sure to grant Autostart (Root) superuser access when prompted.
Test your Web and ability to send and receive MMS. If it doesn't work with this step, Deny Autostart (Root) superuser priveleges and follow the Alternative below.
-- Alternative Start --
1) Open Any Cut, click New shortcut>Activity> and scroll down to Proxy Settings, click OK and there should be a Proxy Settings icon on your home screen. Open It.
2) For Hostname enter and for Port enter 8080. If there is a checkbox that says Use proxy only on wifi uncheck it. click Save and restart the phone for safe measures. Web should now work without and u2nl
Now try Web and MMS. If it doesn't work with this step, restore the Proxy Settings back to default and open superuser application and grant access back to Autostart (Root)
Now, once your phone has rebooted, you should have working web, mms, app, gps, and all. If you don’t go back and check all the steps to insure you did everything exactly right.
NOTE: Make sure whenever you reboot or restart your phone to unplug the USB cord or it will boot into the recovery screen.
Your phone should now be flashed to cricKet.