Bad news, something serious got screwed up on this phone.
- Task29 done
- Stock ROM Flashed - RUU_Rhodium_W_WM65_Sprint_WWE_2.04.651.4_RS_2.32WF _NV_SPCS_2.20_0224_PRL60660_Ship.exe
- Interrupted at 4% and went into ROM Error Recovery successfully, Stock ROM flashed successfully
- Hard Reset (Power + Send + End) + VolUp + VolUp
Nothing worked! Phone is now stuck at white and green HTC boot screen, same as before black Touch Pro 2 screen.
WTF did Advanced Settings do to brick this phone so badly with Energy ROM?
I've been flashing ROMs and radios and SPLs without issues for years, but one usage of Advanced Settings screwed this phone like a pooch. I'm a bit pissed since this is my Wife's phone and we're away on vacation where we need the phone for SIM card access internationally.