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Old 04-25-2011, 12:09 PM
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Re: Verizon Wireless Windows Phone 7 status updates !

The HTC 7 Pro Windows Phone 7 QWERTY slider now appears headed for Verizon, after first being released last month by [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Sprint[/COLOR][/COLOR] as the HTC Arrive. Specifically, the phone seems to be the same MWP6885 which showed up among several unknown handsets on a gaming site which tracks hits from WP7 devices. Also on that list is the similar model number MWP6985, which we know from several sources (Cellebrite, is Verizon's upcoming version of the 7 Trophy. We can assume from the naming conventions that MWP6985 and MWP6885 are destined for the same carrier (MWP probably stands for Microsoft Windows [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Phone[/COLOR][/COLOR]), but that doesn't tell us which phone exactly MWP6885 is.

Well the missing piece of the puzzle comes from the user agent profile for MWP6885, which is a file called PC93-1.0.xml. PC93 is an HTC model we saw once before, passing through the FCC last fall as PC93100, and now that confidentiality has broken on that application, we can be certain that it is indeed the [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]HTC[/COLOR][/COLOR] 7 Pro. Therefore, if MWP6885=PC93, and PC93=7 Pro, it stands to reason that MWP6885=7 Pro. With HTC having recently applied for trademark protection on "HTC Pro," we're guessing that, like "HTC Trophy," [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Verizon [COLOR=blue ! important]plans[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] to drop the 7 when offering the device to US consumers.
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