Originally Posted by steveo70
Tested 29019 generic Co0kie, same results. Koz you could always switch to send hold for now. Trying to google. BTW Sharkie it is the not signed with a trusted certificate message.
I thought about send, but I thought it was locked to voice command... apparently not

Oh yeah, congrats on VIP. Man, you jumped up quick. Last time I looked you were at 18xx.
Originally Posted by Sharkie405
Dammit. I used to have Comm Mgr set to open by long pressing the end key, but I had changed that at some point and forgot to do something about it, so there's nothing there. I've removed the "end key" package as I felt it wasn't needed.
I've not used a long press end key package since v4.0 I think. I meant to set Comm Mgr. to open via the long press again. You guys can do that or set whatever you want to it, by Keyboard Config, which is how I did it before.
Thanks for point that out guys!
Yeah, you had Comm mgr set on last ROM and using Keyboard Config worked to change it to disconnect data. On this one, I was having problems with using the single click using "emulate key press" and 35 (end)or 36 (home) like last ROM, but I found the 115 (end call) works fine... same for send key, using 114 (call). After playing around, this is a non issue for me... all is good