Originally Posted by dave71981
huh that looks kinda cool, not sure how useful i would find it...at least till i tried it but i like 6.5.x (1 of the links looked as if it did not play w/ sense either)
dont know if you/sharkie/others played w/ the weather panel 2011 by dunc (xda). i find that alot more useful than sense weather tab. i have it were its hooked to the weather widget on cht(home tab) and it goes straight to the "2nd today plugin". i dont like the standard skin but there is also a gtx style that looks beast.
1/10/10 DDT ULTIMATE V2 (Final Edition) WVGA Weatherpanel - CAB Install - xda-developers
cant find the skin but it was in tp2 section/themes/ (xda) i do have the files thou.