Originally Posted by jonpry
Edit /sdcard/scbs.conf and change Vf to 1.103. Then either reboot the phone or "killall -HUP scbs" What model are you running, ie RHOD100 etc?
Hello, I just switched to wisTilt2's SCBS kernals and am using your roofts and BABs apk. however i am only getting my phone to charge to 99% at most. I found your fix as shown above, however when i went into my sd card i did not have a scbs.conf file, only the logs. I went into Ba Tree app and under SCBS Version is said Warning:Failed to open config file /sdcard/scbs.conf 0.04a
Did i do something incorrectly? or is there a fix to this
I am using a RHOD400 on BLAZN 2.2.2