ok, Im rather new to android on rhodium (full time android on..HD2 user

), but I wanted to try it out anyway. Since there seems to be no feedback from GSM users (RHOD300 here) Im posting a bug I encountered: NBH flashes fine, Fastboot interface can detect it, but I am unable to access recovery from LK to install androidupdate.
I get following errors after holding power:
it lists partitions1-5
calling apps_init()
flash read: recovery 0 800
flash_read_image: failed (2048 errors)
EDIT: after flashing boot.img without installing android via recovery it changes to (3072)
ERROR: Cannot read boot image header
ERROR: Could not do normal boot. Reverting to fastboot mode.
and it stays in fastboot - again fully accessible by fastboot.
I tried desperate measures like insalling new boot.img via fastboot and it works partially - I get android console text rolling till it stops at lack of init.rc. I was hoping to access recovery at the prompt in android console, but without any luck.
Same results with and without SIM card and device had task29 run on it prior to installing LK, currently using SPL-0.85 Olinex. Both WM and Android via Haret work fine on the device.
..and yes, I realize you asked noobs not to install it till it's proven to work, but I hope this feedback can be of some use.
Anyway, huge props to you guys for doing what you do - many RHOD users appreciate it (even ones who moved to other devices).