Re: Mogul Update - ROM "Speculation" & Discussion Thread Part II
I have an odd one for ya. some background info. my phone lost its provisioning during relocking my bootloader this morning (which failed and I ended up having to go back to 2.09, 2.17, 3.16 and upgrade one by one by one before each RUU would work. going directly to 3.16 failed... and after all that I ended up with my PRL being reverted to PRL 60610 also (I had 60711 on it). in the beginning, I think I used the wrong relocker...oops.)
but ANYWAY..... so I didn't get any calls all day and didn't realize my phone wasn't provisioned til I tried to send a txt message a few minutes ago... (duhhhhhhhhhh)... and so I put the MDN and MSID back in. when I did that (and upgraded to PRL 60711 at the same time), I couldn't get EvDO I downgraded to 60611 and got EvDO... and then back to 60711 and couldn't... so I went back to 60611 and could.... and finally back to 60711 again... and finally stopped getting 1xRTT... for some reason flip flopping the PRL's around made it hiccup lol.