Originally Posted by Stingray
Originally Posted by jamaa124
Originally Posted by runt
Originally Posted by ElPasoGuy
MS Voice command is a must have
i alredy have voice command 1.50, is there a newer version?
yes, v1.6 is out
Is MS Voice Command v1.6 any good?
How much space does this program take in the memory?
I only have 6 MB left.... I don't have a storage card...
Is is really better than the standard voice recognition system that comes standard in the PPC-67000?
I just got MS Voice Command v1.6 and I was blown away by what it does. I ask it what my next appointment is and it tells me. I ask it to call someone and it asks me if I want to call home/mobile/assistant. I tell it to play music and it aks what kind / etc.
I was blown away by what this program does.