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Old 04-22-2011, 02:46 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 04-06: FRX06 on NAND (Testing FRX06 now!)

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Bummer man.

Might be able to scrape you up a donor, but the problem is it probably won't be a RHOD500 - and assuming you want to reactivate it on VZ's network, that will be a requirement...
I wouldn't worry about a donor. I have 2 rhod500's coming off contract in 6 weeks here that I will have access to. I also have a rhod210 that I'll be getting at some point this summer once my brother-in-law is happy with an Android offering on VZW (doesn't like the TBolt for some reason).

I went ahead and tried it because I knew it would be a while before I could contribute anything without having USB functionality. I am the PM for a domain migration that we are working on over the next month, and I simply won't have time to dedicate to flashing over and over trying to find memory addresses to write the boot.img and such to so that I don't have to fastboot :P
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