search keywords: proximity brightness sensor lcd screen settings
i'm loving this rom more and more everyday. gingerbread has some nice little tweaks that make for a very great experience.
overclocked the cpu to 1190mhz, my last white 0004 evo could max out at 1267mhz easily, but not sure if its a limitation of the kernal or my new phone.
anyway, here are my LCD Brightness settings if anybody was interested. I've tweaked them as to my liking. set to the lowest brightness for sensor detection while still bright enough to view the screen accurately.
Enabled: Moving Apply moving average filter to sensor data to reduce flicker
Window Length: 10s
Reset Threshold: Currently Disabled
Sample Interval: 2s
Use Custom:
Lower - Upper - Screen - Buttons
0 - 9 - 30 - 255
10 - 40 - 40 - 255
41 - 90 - 60 - 255
91 - 160 - 80 - 255
161 - 225 - 90 - 255
226 - 320 - 100 - 0
321 - 640 - 120 - 0
641 - 1280 - 160 - 0
1281 - 2600 - 200 - 0
2601 - infinity - 255 - 0
Screen Dim Level: 20 (default)
Allow Screen Decrease: Yes
Decrease Hysteresis: 40%