Originally Posted by Aloupha
I just tried just to verify and did not see this option at setup. The only option I have is "Back up data with my google Account." Are you using the gapps with talk? (This is the one I use).
I am actually using an older version of the dark horse gapps(v3/17). They have a newer version, but i think they took the visuals a little over the edge with their recent versions. The 3/17 version is basically just a black version of all the gapps. Unfortunately, since theyre a month old, at least market will autoupdate and change back to its original color scheme. But you still get the cool icons at least.
Here is a link to the most recent DH versions -
Im not sure if the above linked file still includes maps or not. If it does, you can try it, but if you notice it not being able to update, youll want to remove the maps.apk from the gapps.zip before you flash it. Youll just need to manually install maps from the market.
Here is the link to the 3/17 version,
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13348733/tes...and_extras.zip. Again, I would remove the Maps.apk. I also removed some more apps I didnt want (bobsclock3d, booksphone, etc.) Just enter the zip file, system>app>and your there. You can delete whatever apks in there you dont want. Do be sure about deleting those other google apps especially though, can cause real problems if a few of those are missing.
Good luck!!