Wirelessly posted (TP2: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2.2; en-us; MSM Build/FRX06) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)
Originally Posted by guruvince
NAND is going to kick @$$! I read on the NAND thread over at XDA, that ACL and LMiller have been working really hard on LK, and that ACL fried one of his Rhodium"s. Nate was unsure if it was his CDMA or GSM model. In Nate's words he says he's been "slacking off lately". We will have to forgive him for having a life/wife.
LK is pretty much ready! I'm running it right now and it is very solid, besides the power button. Hopefully that will be fixed but ACL is stumped as to why its broke.
We have the recovery attached to the nbh so it loads with just a push of the power button. Then you can install the builds just like before. But now we will be able load the kernal (boot.img) using recovery too. Thus no more flashing to load a new kernal.
LK for some reason unknown to me let's my phone sleep, ie green led is on once I shut off my screen and I have already noticed a big increase in my battery life.
So look forward to that!!
I will be posting my files either today or tomorrow. But I can't promise anything with the holiday weekend.