Originally Posted by internetaffairs
We've been waiting a long time and with the releases of new android phones, doesn't look like the devs are going to finish xdandroid on the TP2.
Care to give up your sources on this info??? I've been seeing multiple daily updates on many different aspects on the port and more and more breakthroughs, making the TP2 stable enough for daily use for many of us. And I'm not sure what the newest releases have to do with the dev's continuing their work on the port. There's been many android phone out there along with Win 7 and I don't see people running towards them. Some have left and others will fill in the gaps, much like normal life... If you don't feel like waiting go grab a native android, but if not and you can't provide where you got your info (specifically from the developers like Highlandsun, Nate, ACL, jonpry, arrrghhh, etc) then just sit back and enjoy the port.