Originally Posted by eric12341
u obviously have not even read all of my post. im talking about the hardware too and u can't even compare this to the bluray/19"TV situation because it is not the same thing. lookin at 4G the rollout is not complete yet and it sucks battery like crazy 3G is fast enough for everything I do. the whole 4G thing currently is just bragging rights for carriers.
No need to read all of your post since obviously you didn't read or at least comprehend all of my post. 4G is just one aspect of the phone. The most important is a decent sized screen. Jobs who insisted that he wouldn't increase the size of the screen on the iphone is probably increasing it for the 5. The processor on the WP7 device list has been upgraded even though the Verizon hasn't even released their first phone. BT 3.0 has been out for a while now - why not include that? There are MANY areas that the Trophy could be improved using existing technology found on other phones that are already released.