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Old 04-20-2011, 06:09 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*

OMJ, do you think it is possible to do a ROM based on the EVO 3D's rom when it comes out like the newest sense. I don't care about 3D etc. Just wondering if that would even be feasible sense the 3d evo will have a dual core processor. Just thought that after all the bloatware is removed it could possibly run on a regular EVO. Saw over at xda they are trying to port sense 3.0 off of an HTC Sensation phone so that's why I ask.

[WIP][DEV]HTC Sensation Port[2.3.3][Sense 3.0] - xda-developers
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