Originally Posted by jonpry
The code for scbs is here scbs in scbs - Gitorious
I have limited data on the consistency of the numbers. From my own experience, the numbers i get all "work", ie my battery meter is always accurate enough that I cannot prove it to be wrong. But there is a great deal of variation in them. Say +/- 25%. That may seem like a lot but its really only -6dB of noise.
It would be nice to get them more consistent, and i have some ideas on how to do it. But none of it is easy, and I wonder what the purpose of getting battery readings accurate to 6 decimal places really is.
Cool, is there any explanation anywhere on what each of these numbers means? So +/- 25% is still within a few percentage points on the battery meter?
Unrelatedly, just got hit be the connected-to-charger-battery-suddenly-drained-out bug. I'd really been hoping that one would have gotten taken care of by having more accurate readings on the battery meter. Battery drained down to nothing over the course of 4000 ticks of the log, all while it was connected to the charger, and had been connected for like 15000 ticks. Not sure if it's helpful for anybody, but on the off chance it is, I attached my scbs log.