Originally Posted by Johnny.Bravo
When any text box is highlighted in the dark blue (such as when you are sending a text message and it says "sending") the black text is almost impossible to read. Can you change it so that whenever a box is filled up with the dark neon blue it has white text? Once it goes back to a white box with the blue outline the black text is fine, its just when its filled in its hard to read.
Other than that, it looks great. Great work Shane.
I was actually thinking about that as well. Of course I'll need to learn to edit xml to do so. My other thought on that was doing a blue/white/blue gradient in some of the boxes, or making the blue lighter in the mms.apk. Still learning with the training wheels as Timberwolf likes to say.
Great to see you post again Bro! I hope all is well with you.