Originally Posted by zangetsu
ah crap i messed up. i reset cht to defaults and i dont' like, cause i wanted to remove the cht lockscreen. how can i undo? lol
Can't undo unless you saved your setup. You can do that with CHTEditor > menu > export settings.. then save. If you want to restore, just use import settings.
Originally Posted by zangetsu
is there a way to remove some of the bottom scroll tabs? like stocks, sprint tv, twitter etc? not uninstall, just remove them so i can just have settings,weather, home, email?
Just go to settings > personalize > homescreen tabs ... and uncheck what you don't want
just a little late... lol
Don't think there is a way to totally disable voice command that I know of since it's cooked in? I've tried but after reset it's back, and you can't delete or rename .lnk or program itself, so I'm out of ideas?