Hey Guys,
I know 5.0 is all the rage right now but I finished this about the same day OMJ put 5.0 up so gonna post it for those still on 4.6.
... at least I think it will work on 4.6 so somebody give it a try and let me know. It's actually a rosie for Mik's 4.61 but I think it will work on OMJ 4.6.
The rosie comes from this thread and credit goes to jdeloach!
theMikMik.com • View topic - [MOD] - [ROSIE] -Stylish Rosies for v4.6x
the direct d/l link is here (so that you get the right one):
Once you get the rosie installed I have made a MetaMorph to make it look stock again without the carbon fiber b/c I know we OMJers tend to like stock looking stuff but with added functionality
... After the MetaMorph I made is installed the middle will look totally stock, the left and right will also look totally stock but without any icons... this way you can assign whatever you want to the right button and everyone doesn't need a diff MetaMorph for whatever app they select.
So: (do a nandroid first!!!)
1. Download jdeloach's rosie
2. Boot into recovery, wipe cache and dalvik cache
3. Flash rosie (you will have new carbon fiber one and can see what it looks like in jdeloach's thread I linked)
4. Install the MetaMorph I'm attaching (with the MetaMorph app from the market)
5. Re-boot
You now will have a stock looking rosie that you can assign whatever you want to with the RosieSettings app
If you were still on 4.6 I wouldn't be getting a blahh on this one!