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Old 04-15-2011, 10:10 PM
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Re: WM6.5 MAPI / SMS performance

Originally Posted by OP
im running Android because the texting issue is, and always has been, so bad. I've been using a TP2 for over a year as my main phone, and have had two (one new replacement under insurance). So I know this isn't a problem specific to one device. The problem happens regardless of what texting software I'm using, so it's clear it is in the actual database and messaging API in which the messages are store0“4 and retrieved.
Let 500 messages build up from one person. Then delete them all and see how long that takes. Then go into the delete messages folder and permanently delete them and see how long that takes. It takes mine a matter of minutes.
i guess someone hasnt ound the clear sms mms option in the menu . lmao . and just do it over night or so , like i said i have , well now its 1506 messages and it will delete them all in under an hour . Its not such a big deal dude . My lg versa had the same issue .
Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
are u lookin for help or to just bash? because most of us have been aware of this issue for at least 13 months. what I said above is a solution
very well said eric .
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