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Old 04-13-2011, 05:19 PM
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Re: Adiós HTC Arrive & Windows Phone 7!

Originally Posted by AZTECHKA View Post
Ya se brother... como este que esta aqui abajo. LOL

Unless you are six inches long and green and have the face of a dead president printed on your front side... Microsoft doesn't care about "you".

The target audience is the individual who is going to give them more money because of the xbox experience... They want tweens and 20somethings that are not really geeks.
You thnk they appreciate their software getting hacked and taken apart and pirated? They want MONEY. Now... They do have to provide a good product in order to get that cash... But just because YOU or I... Don't like Zune... Doesn't mean that others... Like my 17 year old and my 20 year old sons don't swear by it. They are saving their pennies and waiting for M$ to release a more updated/refined product. You think ANY OS has put out a great experience on release 1.0? Nope.
Give it time... M$ will be ok... And so will we.
We move on to other products that make more sense to us and make us happy... And guess what? When that changes... We move again.

While MS's desire for $ is obvious, their pointing to the "tween" generation may not be a successful strategy. Playing XBOX on a phone can't be a very entertaining experience. And, carriers who will be losing business customers due to Phone 7's shortcomings won't be happy either. I have never bought MS products, either for the PC or the phone, because they are entertaining. If I did, I'd be buying the products of the fruit company. I bought MS because it always provided the depth and flexibility for me to set up the equipment my way. If that is no longer going to be the case, I'll be switching to Android myself.

I agree that release 1.0s are usually buggy. But conceptually, Windows Phone 7 seems unabashedly less flexible and powerful than WM 6.5 - a puzzling step backward. True, many of the lost features may be added in future releases, but first impressions are often more lasting. Will Phone 7 be another Vista?
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