Originally Posted by gjhuff
It's a heck of a thing when users who have stayed with Microsoft since the days of the Hitachi G are told we're not part of their "target audience." Was it really necessary to make Window 7 less flexible and useful than Windows Mobile 6.5 for MS to increase its' market share?
Zune is a joke. It has no application for a business user.
unless u have actually used it u have no say as to how it actually is. thank you for ur useless input.
Originally Posted by AZTECHKA
Ya se brother... como este que esta aqui abajo. LOL
Unless you are six inches long and green and have the face of a dead president printed on your front side... Microsoft doesn't care about "you".
The target audience is the individual who is going to give them more money because of the xbox experience... They want tweens and 20somethings that are not really geeks.
You thnk they appreciate their software getting hacked and taken apart and pirated? They want MONEY. Now... They do have to provide a good product in order to get that cash... But just because YOU or I... Don't like Zune... Doesn't mean that others... Like my 17 year old and my 20 year old sons don't swear by it. They are saving their pennies and waiting for M$ to release a more updated/refined product. You think ANY OS has put out a great experience on release 1.0? Nope.
Give it time... M$ will be ok... And so will we.
We move on to other products that make more sense to us and make us happy... And guess what? When that changes... We move again.
jaja sÃ* lo puse en Su Lugar, ójala que no me corran por eso. but yea on wpcentral today there is boat loads of good news on the upcoming potential of this OS. but others here usually aren't aware of it because they get their news from anti-MS sites (Engadget,Gizmodo,mobilitysite (almost anti-MS)).