I just flashed my wife's Sprint Diamond back to the eyecandy Gadget ROM. It's been a problem with this ROM that the PRL update/profile update is not functional. So I used the manual update.
I downloaded the PRL files from both Diamond sub forum and TP2 sub forum (newer), first of all, I assume PRL files are not device specific, is that right?
Anyways, then I dialed #775, input the code and get to the PRL update interface, I specified the file path that leads to the PRL files I put in Storage card, then hit "OK". A msg popped out asking if I want to update the device, I hit "OK", then the phone shut itself off instead of "rebooting" according to all the PRL manual update instructions. I had to press the power button to get the phone powered up, and then when I checked the PRL version, it remained unchanged.
I tried both the PRL from diamond and TP2, also tried putting the files in phone memory as well as strorage card. Results remained the same.
Can anyone help me out? TIA