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Old 04-12-2011, 08:25 PM
Stupid-Ass Skull Cruncha
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Re: Just bought an Arrive, need some help

Doesn't Mycrosoft's myphone also work for WP7?
Well... I guess the OP still needs a way to connect to the interwebs.
OP... Are you at work/away from home and can't this wait till you get home?
I think MyPhone or Outlook or Hotmail contacts are your 3 options. The CSV is going to be a very messy process considering you have to transfer the file using Zune sooftware and such.

I'm not trying to be rude either... If I was I would have said to have a buddy with an EVO hook you up with some wifi so you can do this.

But that's not my goal here. LOL.
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