Originally Posted by fishingmedic
Go back to the TP2 forum and search for updating the radio, same as flashing a winmo ROM (there's even a stickied thread specific for radios...). This thread is only related to the latest testing kernel so if you have a question on flashing a winmo radio, which is what they're referring to, your best bet is to post it in the winmo section, not android.
Hmmm..., his carrier is "Orange Romania". Don't know what/where (I guess Romania) that is but I doubt if he should use any of the Sprint or Verizon radio firmware. Looks like he has a RDOD500 though, which is Verizon.
Biroka, are you using your phone in GSM mode? The radio firmware mentioned by Recursion is for CDMA and is for Sprint or Verizon only.